
Campaign for the future and welfare of head porters popularly known as Kayayei found in our big cities is a prime concern for the organisation.

We have researched how these vulnerable girls are abandoned to live on the street of Agbogloshi, Konkoba Line, Madina, Tema Station, Darkoma, Makola, and Nima-Maamobi in Accra. In Kumasi, Ghana Login, Walwa, Kwatia Line-Bombay despite promises by political parties to provide for the girls. 


When it rains the girls and their children are forced to stand under the mercy of the rain till the weather becomes favourable.

The issue of Kayayei is a catastrophic national phenomenon but over the years the political leaders have failed to spell out a clear, concise and constructive action plan to address the kayayei or street girls menace in their manifestos.

The project wants to see a sustained action to give hope and a future to the many girls who sleep

 on the streets of cities. 

The Kayayeis who migrates from the northern part of Ghana in search of non-existent jobs is a nagging and embarrassing problem confronting Ghana.

The Humanity Magazine  is pressuring for a  constructive working program from the leaders to end the  Kayayei menace .