Campaign for the future and welfare of head porters popularly known as Kayayei found in our big cities is a prime concern for the organisation.
We have researched how these vulnerable girls are abandoned to live on the street of Agbogloshi, Konkoba Line, Madina, Tema Station, Darkoma, Makola, and Nima-Maamobi in Accra. In Kumasi, Ghana Login, Walwa, Kwatia Line-Bombay despite promises by political parties to provide for the girls.
The issue of Kayayei is a catastrophic national phenomenon but over the years the political leaders have failed to spell out a clear, concise and constructive action plan to address the kayayei or street girls menace in their manifestos.
The project wants to see a sustained action to give hope and a future to the many girls who sleep
on the streets of cities.
The Kayayeis who migrates from the northern part of Ghana in search of non-existent jobs is a nagging and embarrassing problem confronting Ghana.
The Humanity Magazine is pressuring for a constructive working program from the leaders to end the Kayayei menace .